Post on Nehama

“I got to the point where I’m scared to go to bed because I do not know how I’d get up in the morning…”

Meet Nehama, a 29-year-old woman who one day after having strange back pain, got up in the morning and found that her legs were not responding, and after a brief time she had another seizure that paralyzed her arms.

The disease is rare and the diagnosis lasted two years. Nehama is the only one in Israel with this disease and therefore the treatment of the disease is not recognized in the health basket, Nehama fell between the cracks!

Do not leave anyone behind!

"Suri is looking at me with pleading eyes"

Suri was born with a rare condition.
Unlike all of us, she was born without heart chambers.
It is a very dangerous condition that threatens her life. Suri will not be able to continue living this way. Every passing day is critical for her.
There is a special surgery that can treat her condition. The family doesn’t have the money to pay in order to give Suri a new life.
Help Suri continue the life she has barely started

ساعدنا في إنقاذ حياة موهي

الاولاد يستهزئون، يعتقدون لان ليس لدي يدان ورجلان ليس لدي قلب!”
انا اريد ان اعيش مثل الكل. ومعي اولاد مثلي يعانون ايضا.
نحن نريد ان نعيش مثلكم!
لا نستحق ان نتخلى عن أحلامنا فقط لاننا لا نملك المال.
أرجوكم، اعطونا امل، لا تتجاهلونا!